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Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Sir Judge
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 
Abilities of the Phoenix I_vote_lcapAbilities of the Phoenix I_voting_barAbilities of the Phoenix I_vote_rcap 


 Abilities of the Phoenix

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PostSubject: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 2:28 pm

Ability Name: Breath of the Phoenix
Ability Family: Fire, Destruction
Description: When in human form the fire shoots from either his hands or mouth, this fire is strong enough to melt even the strongest of metals, can burn flesh(3 degree burns or worse)
Ability Effect:The Breath of the Phoenix is fire that shoots through his mouth and can spread like wild fire, it is almost as hot as the flames of the sun. No fire can match the heat and destruction cababilities of the Phoenix(cooldown of 3 posts)
History: Amos like all phoenixes was born with this power and has honed it over the centuries of his life.

Ability Name: Feathers of the Phoenix
Ability Family: Elemental, protective
Description: Like all phoenixes Amos' feathers are made of pure fire and just as hot as his breath. When he feeels harmed he can 'shoot out' his feathers in all directions for 100 yards.only used in phoenix form.
Ability Effect: The feathers of fire that dawn his body are able to melt metal and shoot out in all directions for 50 yards. (cool down of three posts)
History:As a Phoenix he is born with this power and has honed the abilities to its peak over centuries of years.

Ability Name:Tears of the Phoenix
Ability Family: Healing
Description: In Phoenix form he has healing abilities through his tears.
Ability Effect: His tears are able to cure even the most lethal of wounds though they take imideate effect it also knocks the person out so the wounds can heal correctly.(cooldown of 3 posts)
History: Being a Phoenix Amos was born with this power and has used it to heal even those effected by the Plauge.

Last edited by Phoenix on Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Bound Demon

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Abilities of the Phoenix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 6:27 pm

I'll need a 2nd opinion on these.

In my own opinion, the first 2 spells are pretty much annihilating any weapon used here. That's awfully powerful for a beginning creature.

Also, the second spell's radius is bigger than a football field, since you're stating its 100 yards in ALL directions.... I'm not quite sure if that's too much for beginning standards as well.

For the healing spell, you state "it knocks the person out". For how long? The duration of the cooldown period?

I'll see about getting another Admin to take a look at these before asking you to make any edits, Phoenix.
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PostSubject: Re: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 7:53 pm

The first two only last one post though before cooldown (all three really..) and the knockout is just that post it takes place then the cooldown
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PostSubject: Re: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeThu Dec 22, 2011 10:59 pm

I agree the fire is WAY too hot "almost as hot as the sun" would kill almost everything on earth....the reason everyone is alive is because the sun is so far away so I agree melting metal is too powerful. also the radius for the feathers is too far as well I would prefer a max of like 50?
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The Ranger
The Ranger

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Abilities of the Phoenix Empty
PostSubject: Re: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2011 8:46 am

yeaa the heat of the sun thing was exateration xD it just a big way of saying that the fire is hoter than most fires, and the burning thing was approved in my app (practically invaulnerable skin, arrows,metal, and flesh burn when they come in contact with himweapons that use magic or are infused with magic may still prove harmful depending on the powers they behold, but weapons made of normal steel or other aloys don't do much)
and 50 is fine
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PostSubject: Re: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeFri Dec 23, 2011 11:56 pm

Ok agreed on 50 and Demoyah and/or other admin i'll leave the final decision to you
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Emperor of Helios

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PostSubject: Re: Abilities of the Phoenix   Abilities of the Phoenix Icon_minitimeSat Dec 24, 2011 11:06 am

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